Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Handwritten Notes for GATE, ESE, PSUs
GATE Syllabus of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Soil-Water-Plant Relationship: Water requirement of crops; consumptive use and evapotranspiration; measurement of infiltration, soil moisture, and irrigation water infiltration.
Irrigation Water Conveyance and Application Methods: Design of irrigation channels and underground pipelines; irrigation scheduling; surface, sprinkler and micro-irrigation methods, design, and evaluation of irrigation methods; irrigation efficiencies.
Agricultural Drainage: Drainage coefficient; planning, design, and layout of surface and sub-surface drainage systems; leaching requirement and salinity control; irrigation and drainage water quality and reuse.
Groundwater Hydrology: Groundwater occurrence; Darcy’s Law, steady flow in confined and unconfined aquifers, evaluation of aquifer properties; groundwater recharge.
Wells and Pumps: Types of wells, steady flow through wells; classification of pumps; pump characteristics; pump selection and installation.

Irrigation Engg. Handwritten Note (Softcopy)- Buy@Rs50
Irrigation Engg. Handwritten Note (Hardcopy)- Buy@Rs170
1. Global distribution of water
2. Multipurpose use of water
3. Irrigation Engineering
4. Design of Canals
5. Analysis of Gravity dams
6. Waterlogging and Drainage design
7. Gross drainage work
8. River Training
9. Spillways
10. Miscellaneous Topics
Number of Pages= 130+