Complete Details of RRB NTPC CBT
Railway Recruitment Boards has officially released their guidelines for RRB NTPC CBT exam.
Notification Details: Centralised Employment Notice No. 03/2015
Recruitment for the post of: Non Technical Popular Categories (Graduate)
Dates of Computer Based Test (CBT):
March:- 28th , 29th, 30th and 31st March 2016
April:- 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th(examination only in 3rd shift), 10th (examination only in 3rd shift), 11th, 12th, 16th, 18th, 19th, 22nd, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 30 th April 2016
Exam Details:
Examination Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of Questions: 100
Types of Questions: MCQs
Negative Marking: 1/3 rd fo every incorrect answer.
Exam Language: English, Hindi, Urdu, Gujrati, Punjabi,Kannad, Tamil, Telghu, Marathi, Konkani, Odia, Asamese, Manipuri, Bengali, and Malyalam. ( Total 15 Languages)
Number of Shifts Each Day: 3
Shifts Timing: See below chart
Call Letter can be downloaded from Below Link

This Type of Message will be received by you on your mobile :
Fill Registration Number in User Id box
and Date of Birth in next box and Click Login to download e-Call Letter
and Date of Birth in next box and Click Login to download e-Call Letter
How to Take Mock Test:
Click Here >> MOCK TEST
New window open >>Click on Login (No need to fill any details) >> Take a Mock Test

Instructions to the Candidate on e-Call Letter Please read carefully and comply
1. Candidates should report at the
center of the examination well in advance of the reporting time indicated on
the e-Call Letter to complete activities such as verification of the candidate,
capture of biometric(LTI and photo), collection of documents, announcement of
instructions and logging in etc.
2. Candidates to
note the following timings. Normally, CBT/Examination will be held in 3 shifts
in a day (See Shift Details above). The duration of CBT will be 90 minutes ( 120 minutes for PWD with
scribe) for 100 questions.
3. No candidate will be allowed inside the test center
after gate closing time for the date and shift indicated in the e-Call Letter.
4. Candidates are advised to locate their test centre
and its accessibility at least a day before the test so that they can reach the
centre on time on the day of the test.
5. The e-Call Letter is to be submitted for verification
at the time of the test.
At least one original and valid photo identification
card (i.e. not
photocopied or scanned or expired) (such as College ID,
Employee ID,
Driving License, Passport, PAN Card, Voter ID, Aadhaar,
e- Aadhaar)
must be presented failing which he/she will not be
permitted in the exam.
6. Please affixx Passport size Colour Photograph – same as
that was uploaded at the time of online application - in the space provided on
the RRB portion of the e-Call Letter.
7. For appearing in the ONLINE examination, candidates
as well as scribe Must affix one colour photograph each (of size 3.5 cm x 3.5
cm), as was uploaded at the time of online application.
8. Candidates who have opted for scribe and want to change
their scribe can do so by submitting the requisite information at the
examination centre on the day of exam. For this purpose, candidates to fill up
details in ‘Change of Scribe’ form provided on the e-Call Letter of scribe.
9. This e-Call Letter is valid only for the test date and
shift time as specified
10. Mobile phones or any other electronic gadgets such as
watches, blue tooth enabled devices, calculators are NOT ALLOWED inside
the Test Centre.
There is no facility for safe-keeping of your personal
belongings outside the
examination hall and RRB/Assessment service providers are
not responsible for its loss. Only e-Call Letter, Photo ID card, pen/pencil
will be allowed inside the test hall.
11. The candidate can view the question paper in any of the fifteen
languages including the opted language and answer the questions. Candidates
availing assistance of scribe will have to communicate with the scribe only in
the language opted by them in the online application.
12. There will be negative marking for wrong answers. For
every wrong answer, 1/3rd mark will be deducted.
13. The mock test link is available on the website of RRBs.
Use this link to
familiarize yourself on how to view/answer questions on the
exam day.
14. Friends and relatives accompanying the candidate will
not be allowed inside the test centre.
15. Candidate should write his/her name and Roll Number on
the Rough sheet(s) provided for rough work. The Rough sheet(s) will have to be
returned after the test.
16. Candidate needs to make his/her own travel and stay
arrangements for
attending the test.
17. The e-Call Letter is provisional, subject to the
condition that the candidate has fulfilled all the eligibility conditions like
academic qualification, category, PWD status etc. as mentioned in his/her
online application which is subject to verification in the consecutive stages
of the selection process.
18. Special instructions, if any, given by the Invigilator
should be followed strictly.
19. Change of date/centre of examination is not permitted
under any circumstances.
20. Mere issue of e-Call Letter does not confer any right to
be eligible for the post. The candidature is purely provisional and is liable
to be cancelled at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, in case any
inconsistency is noticed.
21. RRB reserves the right to order re-examination for any
or all the candidates.
22. Decision of the RRB in all the matters will be final and
binding on the candidates.
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